What is positive training?
Positive training or training with positive reinforcement educates your dog in a positive way and is based on respect for the dog, putting his well-being first.
Artículos de interés para aquellos educadores caninos que quieren hacer crecer su negocio haciendo uso del marketing digital.
Sabrás como promocionarte como educador canino y te daré consejos de como conseguir clientes de adiestramiento canino.
Conocerás cómo hacer publicidad honesta en las redes sociales como educador canino profesional ofreciendo servicios y/o productos caninos de calidad o de alto valor para tu mercado. Aprenderás a crear ofertas irresistibles.
Encontrarás ideas para llenar tus aulas físicas u online de alumnos peludos, sin que las herramientas o la tecnología sean un problema. Podrás digitalizar tu formación canina y crear tus primeros webinars sin coste.
Cómo tratar, elegir y cerrar clientes en base a tus valores, intereses, metodología de educación canina y cartera de servicios o productos.
Compartiré mi opinión acerca de las tendencias en la educación canina y en los cuidados caninos.
Positive training or training with positive reinforcement educates your dog in a positive way and is based on respect for the dog, putting his well-being first.
advantages and disadvantages of live and recorded webinars.
Why is it that only misbehaving dogs get an education? Lack of awareness in dog care and education
Why is it that only misbehaving dogs get an education? Read More »
Los perros son los detectores más eficaces y rápidos del Covid-19 y otras enfermedades. El método menos invasivo. Los perros no dejan de sorprendernos.
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The KONG Classic dog toy has been the benchmark for dog toys for more than forty years. That is why Kong is considered to be one of the best and most complete dog toys even today in 2021.
We take a look at some of the mistakes that some dog handlers sometimes make with all the good intentions in the world.
If you adore your furry friend, as I adore mine, entrusting his education to a trainer is no easy task. Surely before hiring you as a dog trainer you will be asked some of these 9 questions.
9 questions you will be asked before being hired as a dog trainer Read More »
How do I get started with my online dog training? Life has changed fast! And the digitalisation of business is a fact of life.
In 2019, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 40% of households owned a dog. Today there is a high demand for dog training services as pet owners continue to invest in the welfare of our animals.
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